Saturday, 29 September 2012

Food Again

The escargot were alright,  but I think they are an acquired taste.  They were made by Sophie's mother, the picture below is of her cooking the escargot.I think so far my favorite dish here is quiche.  Sophie's recipe for quiche is awesome, so I typed a copy to make at home.  I also really like the sea food and a lot of the salads Sophie makes here.

In the YES orientation in Canada, they told me to bring kraft dinner or something for comfort food, but I'm not all that emotionally attached to kraft dinner, so I didn't bring anything.  The food I've most missed actually is Baba Ganoush and corn chips.

Today we went to a farmers Market, which is called a "marché". I thought we were going for a walk.  I'm still not exactly fluent in french, although I can now carry descent conversation and understand what is going on in movies.  In the marché, there were three counters of cheese.  I got to try two different kinds which were both really good, I forgot to get the names of them, which I should really start writing down.

One of my favorite parts of travelling to France is all of the food I've had the chance to try.  It has even made me think that a possible career choice for me is to become a nutritionist.  I don't think I'm a good enough cook to be a chef for a living, but I have an avid interest in the molecular composition of food and how it relates to the production and use of energy and other vital substances in the body.  Also, I love taking about it, so it's possibly a perfect career choice.

Some pictures of the marché:

Today at lunch I tried spiral shellfish, which I liked less than the muscles and more than the escargot.  We also had prawns which are delicious but really hard to eat.  You only eat about a sixth of the fish, the rest you have to carefully remove from the part that you eat (which is in the middle).  I forgot to take a picture, but if you don't know what a prawn is it's like a big shrimp, and you only eat the inside of the tail and a small portion of the middle part of the body that is attached to the head.

I've been looking through Sophie's cookbooks and I took pictures of some of the recipes I want to try.  She has two cookbooks full of desserts.  I think they were both gifts, because this family doesn't eat a lot of desserts.  I also looked through another cookbook with entrees and appetizers (and more desserts).  I found a new truffle recipe!  I can hardly wait to bake for Christmas now.  I'll have to make a quarter of each recipe so I can make it all.  With what time I do not know, I'll have to invent a new hour - somewhere between 6 and 7pm.

That's all for now folks,  I'll post again either tomorrow or Wednesday  :)

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